During the healing process, it’s natural for your brows to be red & dark ( for the first few days), and

peel/scab over the next 2 weeks. Once the scabs come off, your brows will be in the “ghosting stage”. They

will appear very light. The pigment takes more time to settle once the raw/new skin heals itself. If you notice

any redness, swelling, tenderness, elevated body temperature, pus, and/or red streaks from the procedure

site, these may be symptoms of an infection. Please contact a medical professional.

Always wash your hands before you touch your brows. This is a wound on your skin so keep the area as

clean as possible. And absolutely NO PICKING OR SCRATCHING.

DAY 1-2: Rinse your brows every few hours with cold water and blot them completely dry. You can use a

gentle cleanser (Cetaphil or CeraVe is acceptable, no harsh chemicals). Blotting your brows the first 2 days

is very important, this is to remove excess lymphatic fluid from your skin.

DAY 3 forward until all scabs come off: No more getting your brows wet. Apply ointment once a day. Use a

very small amount, about a grain of rice. You can use the band/stick of a q-tip to spread a thin film over

your brows. Don't overuse the ointment as you don’t want to suffocate your brows or have product

buildup. If you have oily skin, you can skip the ointment. Once all the scabs have come off naturally, you can

resume your normal routine.

DO NOT do/use the following for at least 14 days OR until all scabs have come off naturally:

Swimming, sauna, steam room, long/hot showers, recreational water activities etc.

Retin-A, glycolic acids, peroxide, etc.

Expose area to direct sun/tanning (wear a hat if you are in the sun)

Intense exercise, sweating (saline will remove pigment)

Makeup/sunscreen/moisturizer in/on brow area

No laser treatments, chemical peels, or microdermabrasion on or near brows (permanently)

No gardening or contact with soil, insects, spray, etc.

No contact with animals/pets around face

*Absolutely NO brow product on or around your brows until the scabs have come off.

Your touch-up session 6-8 weeks after your initial appointment is always recommended. It is considered

the “perfecting session” where we can fill any areas that have not taken the pigment or adjust color/shape if

necessary. Please make sure to reserve your date in advance to make sure you
